Booking Calendar & Information

You can search for available dates on our Reservations System. To book a reservation within the 48 hour blackout period call Oregon Inlet Fishing Center at 1-800-272-5199.

Our typical day of fishing begins at 4:00 AM which is when we arrive at the boat.  We have you arrive just before 5:00 AM and will board shortly thereafter and depart between 5:00 AM and 5:30 AM.  We typically run 30-40 miles offshore.  This varies often.  In the course of a year, we will fish up and down the drop-off of the continental slope between Hatteras and the NC/VA border.  We typically fish until 2:30 PM and return to the dock around 4:30 PM.  

More info about a typical day of fishing here.

Sunrise on the High Return Sportfishing Boat
Setting Up on the High REturn Sportfishing Boat
Catch of the Day on the High Return Sportfishing Charter