Clean Up After Hurricane Matthew

Capt. Dave and Charlie are cleaning up around the house ---- it has been trailer load after trailer load of limbs, trees and just general debris.  Charlie is making sure that Capt. Dave does not miss anything and is keeping an eye out for snakes.

Aftermath of Hurricane Matthew - October 2016

Capt. Dave, Holly, Sean, Blythe and Erin all made it through Hurricane Matthew.  The High Return is fine, the animals (dogs, cats, horses) are fine, the houses are fine although we had both houses as an island for several hours but we made out fairly well in comparison to others in this area and others in the States south of us.  The photos show The Causeway between Pirate's Cove and the Beach which has almost every electrical pole snapped off and blown down.  It is going to be a while before power is restored to everyone in Southern Shores but everyone is working as fast as they can to get power restored. We hope that everyone faired well that have been effected by the massive Hurricane Matthew.